Wednesday, January 29, 2014

11.5 Weeks Progress

I was going to wait until 12 weeks down to post, but close enough. I promised myself I would share my blog once I made 6 posts- so here it is. The oldest post is on the bottom, from November 2013 to the newest right here, on top.  I've been learning a little something about self-doubt and what not… Even when I've been in the best shape, it was always never "good enough". I've always dealt with a lack of self-esteem and confidence issues since I can remember, but I'm trying to learn to love my body, no matter what form. To not be ashamed of where I am at. I've always been jealous of women with great confidence and that not giving a shit what people think of them attitude. I hope to get there one day. Self esteem issues can really hurt more than your relationship with yourself. 

I'm going to continue to post helpful things, and if I can help or inspire even one other person, I will be happy :)

I try to post the good stuff, and I just want to keep it real now. It's not always easy for me if that's the idea you have of my journey. If it were easy, I wouldn't of gained 60lbs during my pregnancy, or I would have lost it the first 3 months. I may not post the struggles, but that doesn't mean I don't go through them. I just like to keep it positive as much as possible because that's what's motivating.

So here is my progress so far:
1st photo: 1 week post partum
2nd photo: 5 months & 3 weeks PP 
(first photos I sent to my coach)
3rd photo: today, 8months & 2 weeks PP
(11.5 weeks down with my coach)


I am #9weeksout and a half ;) Last post I said I would be "throwing in the towel" if I had to push my first show back to June, but I've honestly realized that it's OKAY if I have to, I'm not a failure if I have to, and I am damn proud of my hard work.

I have tons more work to put in, but slow and steady wins the race! And I'm here to win ;)

To be honest, finding motivation for the gym isn't hard for me. I love lifting, I love sweating, I love cardio and I love the burn and pump! It's my addiction. At least it's a healthy one :) Where I seem to struggle is the diet. I'll make a whole separate post on "clean eating" and "macros" some other time.

For more of my journey follow my IG: coralsuarez


Monday, January 13, 2014


9 weeks down… and with a combination of my first competition moving up and me miscounting the weeks like an idiot, I am #12weeksout (two days ago). It feels like it's right around the corner. I met with my coach one week ago and we talked diet/nutrition, supplements, training and checked out to see where my body was. I send in progress photos 2x a week and weigh in 3x a week, but you always get a better look in person. In the last week I have stopped breastfeeding and have started taking supplements and vitamins. Basically, my body's hormones are imbalanced… and it sucks. 

I took these last week. I was actually feeling quite confident that I would be able to make my first show in 12 weeks. Now, I'm not so sure. I haven't taken a bite off of my diet, I work my ass off in the gym, I have followed his plan and I feel like my body has come to a halt this past week by me stopping breastfeeding, starting supplements, and now I got my period for the first time in over a year and a half. I just really hope my hormones sort themselves out soon. I haven't thrown in the towel yet, as in pushing my first show back to June (instead of April). 

I've also checked out fellow competitors and they have already started posing practices, leaning out and I'm here, still fluffy, waiting for my 'in season' plan to hit my inbox.

Just had to vent a little.

Follow my IG for more daily posts: coralsuarez

Hopefully my next post will be a more positive one.

""All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity. But the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible."
